Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

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Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by Star_Lunar3 »

Hey everyone!

I'm sure many of you are familiar with the 'Lunar 3' movement on fb. If not, there's one particular page created by a fan that I only know as 'Sean.' He's spent several months creating a music video and has even made contact with a few of the Lunar alumni.

My project is a separate script that I've been writing since June of 2020. This fan-made project is a direct sequel to 'Eternal Blue,' but it takes place centuries later on a now mostly, habitable Blue Star. The protagonists will eventually return to Lunar and try to save the remaining inhabitants of the dying moon and of course, stop a sinister plot from unfolding.

Like Sean, I've attempted to reach out to various Lunar cast members such as Jenny Stigile, John Truitt and writer, Kei Shegima. Unfortunately, I haven't had much success. However, my goal is to finish the script, (which is about 70% completed) and see if Game Arts will at the very least, entertain the idea of making 'Silver Legacy' canon.

This has been for the most part, a solo project, but I had originally intended for more Lunar fans to help with the details of the story as well as the artwork.

If anyone is curious or would like to know more about the story, I'll gladly send a synopsis or you can follow my fb page (Lunar 3: Silver Legacy.)
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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by Temzin »

There’s good and bad news: While Lunar 3 won’t happen and the shell that remains of Game Arts has neither the budget to make the game nor any interest in the US actors or scriptwriters (we’ve got all our thoughts here already on that other, misguided campaign: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=6105), I say that you don’t need -their- blessing to make your Lunar project canon! Why not share it in the Lunar 3 sub-forum for people to enjoy? You don’t need a corporation that contains literally none of the original creators to make your project meaningful—ironically, at this point your approach is almost as legit as anything they could do there since it’s a dead series! Plus, English speaking Lunar fandom seems to have a long tradition of fanfic since the series was so short lived yet so meaningful to so many. Why not share on the sub-forum, in the best doujinshi spirit?
Last edited by Temzin on Sun Nov 21, 2021 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

I appreciate fan fiction. I've read a lot in the fandom, but the writers of the original LUNAR series is what made it special. That being said; I can't assume you wouldn't be able to pour that same magical energy into the story that is LUNAR...The bar is high, though. The fans are tough. They want that some energy, that same magic, that same creativity on par or beyond par if a true sequel was to ever be made. This is what has kept the fandom going for so long. That love, that magic, that creativity. That writing created its own legacy.

Many fans of created their own sequels to Eternal Blue and I appreciate their effort, but it's so much more than just writing it. When you complete it; I would love to hear the direction and the story. Share the synopsis with us! ^^
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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by Kizyr »

I'm gonna say something that might sound harsh, but I'm asking to take me in good faith on this.

Main question: why is it important to you for this to be part of Lunar "canon"? And what does that even mean?

Where I'm going with this is that it's probably going to be more fulfilling to make a complete project that you can appreciate, and not hinge it on whether Shigema or any other creator actually takes a look at it. Yes, that might mean it's fanfic, but... that's not a bad thing.

And "canon" itself in Lunar is pretty shaky. I mean, there's TSS and EB, but then there are events in SSS that kind of contradict TSS, then there's the novelization of SSS, novelization of EB, manga adaptation of EB, all of which have differences with one another. So... what's canon in our series is already kind of up-in-the-air and we end up with a lot of perspectives on stories with some commonality (or, to paraphrase Shigema's words, it's like each retelling is a retelling of a familiar legend, so naturally differences arise over time).

The unfortunate part is also as Temzin said, there isn't an entity that can really do Lunar the same way anymore. I mean, say, Shigema, Iwadare, Kubooka, and other people formerly involved in Studio Alex are still around and even talk with one another, and still have a lot of love for the Lunar series, but there's been nothing collectively from them since... EBC.
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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

I'm not obbessed with the lore of every manga or every comic or differences between remakes and such.

For me, it's SSSC to EBC and if Dragon Song is cannon then i appreciate the past plot we gained, but i did not like the game at all.

As for why is it important to me for the 3rd game to be canon? What does it even mean? Well... For starters it's incredibly important to me if not many others. A sequel to a game from anything done right can be amazing. Same with movies and TV shows. Many of these have had surprising excellent sequels and cater back to the things that the fan fell in love with in the beginning.

I like a journey to my destination. I don't want to pop into another universe so to speak and play in a LUNAR world without the love that inspired me to continue talking about it to this day. Even if the sequel was 1000 years in the future...Do you have any idea how AWESOME that video package in EBC was that catered back to the destruction of Vane and seeing the heroes from SSSC? That was one of the best moments ever in the history of the game and as Ghaleon would say "That...was a record of my best work..."

Sequels and cannon are important to me to a point. There's so much information within the LUNAR fandom that is very very difficult to get for the casual fan or even a fan that just is hardcore into the games and nothing more.

Another epic moment in EBC to me was seeing Vane on the ground and in the form of being rebuilt. How Nall was now living in the former Taben Grindery. Nall mentioning everyone from the first game to Ruby to tell her about memories and immortality. Truly magical and beautiful stuff.

If a true sequel never comes....It never comes...
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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by Kizyr »

Oh my question was more directed at the OP.

To your point ShugoHanasaki -- anything that's widely regarded as Lunar 3 will have to be canon, and really will have to be produced by some game studio that has the IP (ideally also one that involves people like Shigema and Kubooka plus others who used to be with Studio Alex, but that's more about making it good rather than making it canonically "Lunar 3"). I think at this point also, given that we have one side-story (Walking School / Magic School which is billed as a side-story) and one prequel (Dragon Song), a real "Lunar 3" is going to take place after Lunar 2.

But, if it's a fan-creation and from people who don't actually have the IP to create and sell it as a Lunar game, there's basically two options: (1) change all the references and make it a "spiritual successor", or (2) keep the references but it'll remain a fan-made game on the same tier as fanfic.

My point, really, is that neither option is bad, but neither of them will really be canonical. IMO I think option (1) is better because I'd be all about a game that has a similar look and feel and thematic elements as Lunar, it may even get more people into older JRPGs. But option (2) isn't a bad one because fanfics aren't bad, and I'd like to push back against what I think is a common narrative that somehow fanfic is inherently embarrassing to be creating or consuming.

I mean, Shigema himself has commented on how much he enjoys seeing fans discuss finer points of the series that were left ambiguous. That's... basically fan-creations and fan theories. Doesn't have to be canon for us to engage with it and enjoy it.
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by Star_Lunar3 »

Lots of great replies here!

I had initially checked back a few days after my original post and didn't see anything, so I started to think the forum was dead in the water. However, I'm glad I checked back today. And Happy Holidays, by the way!

@ Temzin - What misguided campaign were you referring to?

@ Everyone else - I'm not familiar with the financial situation or status of Game Arts these days. Does anyone here think Game Arts would ever sell the rights to the franchise? With such a large (cult) fan-base, I truly believe the series could be revived. The question is, who would be willing to do it and how much would it cost?

What I have is a very rough-draft, which will likely take another two or three months to edit and revise (I'm working alone.) I'm confident this story has potential, but I'll confess, it has reused many tropes from SSSC and EBC (and that was done to pay homage to the series.) The best way I can describe 'Silver Legacy' to Lunar fans is similar to how Star Wars fans felt when they first saw "The Force Awakens."

**I'll sum up the first part of the story and add the second part later (if you guys want more!)

Not long after the events of EBC, Hiro and Lucia activated the 'Machine' (you'll learn more in detail about that in the script) located at the top of the 'Crystal Palace,' which began a slow process of siphoning energy from Lunar (and restoring it back to the Blue Star.) This would lead to the 'Great Awakening' in which humanity steadily returned to their native home (and as by the will of Althena.)

Approximately, 500 years later, the Blue Star is now a partially, self-sustaining world. It is governed by a kingdom and ruled by 'Queen Ursula.' However, after what seemed like centuries of peace and prosperity, people suddenly stopped migrating to the Blue Star. The kingdom lost all contact from Lunar. As a precaution, the Queen ordered her army to guard the Crystal Palace.

On the other end, Lunar has deteriorated significantly. Much of the seas have dried up. The sky has become a murky, brownish color and most of the greenery has turned into a desert-like wasteland. In addition, magic has become very weak on the moon. And to make matters worse, a right-wing group known as the 'Neo-Vile Tribe' has sealed off access the ancient 'Blue Spire' from the rest of Lunar. Nobody knows what their true intentions are.

This brings us to Kaleb: a young farm-boy who lives with his mother about a day's travel from St. Zephyra (the capital city of the Blue Star.)

One night while chopping firewood, he suddenly hears a girl scream. He runs into some nearby woods and defeats a few goblins, revealing that the girl is actually a small (green), flying cat. They eventually become friends, and 'Star' becomes a family member of the farm.

Not long later, Kaleb's mother sends him to St. Zephyra to fetch some spices.

During their time in the Capital, Kaleb and Star are introduced to Queen Ursula and an intimidating 'Knight Captain' known as Tyrannis. And after getting a 'culture shock' from city-life and making friends with a young priest and a 'mysterious rogue,' Kaleb returns to his farm only to find it destroyed by a sudden and violent earthquake.

Sadly, Kaleb's mother succumbs to her injuries and before leaving the farm, Kaleb and Star find a heirloom that was hidden away inside the barn, which resembles a talisman.

Not having any idea what the strange item is, Kaleb returns to St. Zephyra to ask the priest (Dillon.) Of course, Dillon has no idea what it is, but suspects an old 'friend' of his might. Dillon leads Kaleb and Star on an expedition over a mountain-pass and into the highlands. On the way there, they are attacked by brigands, but the party is quickly saved by the mysterious rogue (Blaize.)

With some reluctance by Dillon, Kaleb allows Blaize to 'join the party.'

Eventually, Dillon leads the party to a mystical and lonely 'wise-man' that tells Kaleb that the talisman is part of an ancient prophecy. The wise-man also suggests that Kaleb appears to be too frail to be part of such a story and tells the party to immediately leave his home.

However, after another terrifying earthquake event followed by a mysterious beam of light shooting upward into the sky, the party decides to investigate the source of it, which eventually leads the to the 'Crystal Palace.'

They stealthily infiltrate the ancient fortress (avoiding Ursula's guards) and use all their strength (and wit) to withstand the enemies and traps that have infested the Crystal Palace.

Once the party reaches the top, they see the 'Machine,' that is responsible for quakes and beams of light that's directed at the 'Moon.' They also witness a confrontation between Ursula and Tyrannis. With an act of treachery, Tyrannis critically wounds Ursula in a dual. As a result, the party tries to intervene and save the Queen. However, Kaleb quickly discovers that he's no match for Tyrannis.

The powerful 'Knight Captain' rips a pendant away from Ursula's neck (Lucia's Pendant.) Tyrannis also mocks the party and realizes that she will need something 'more powerful' to destroy the 'Machine.'

After using Lucia's Pendant to activate a 'teleportation' device, Tyrannis is instantly sent away. Ursula implores Kaleb and company to follow after and stop Tyrannis or the world could be in grave danger. Kaleb agrees to do it, but Dillon opts to stay behind and help the Queen.

With the last of her strength, Ursula uses her magic to keep the portal open to allow Kaleb, Star, and Blaize to pass through.

**The rest of the story takes place on Lunar!  :wink:

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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by Temzin »

Thanks for sharing!

The misguided campaign in question was one where an English-speaking fan was collecting money (!) to place ads online for a campaign to push the ad readers to in turn push Game Arts (!!) to make Lunar 3, and had some interviews from the former American voice actors, which was embarrassing since they have less than zero clout with Game Arts, even if I think they did a nice job, and thus amounted to misleading any donors into thinking there was a chance or a sound strategy involved. Needless to say, that campaign had no hope of succeeding, as Game Arts A) is in no position financially or staff-wise to make a new Lunar game, B) has literally none of the original team to do so, so you'd be left with a fanfic-like simulacrum like post-Lucas Star Wars or post-Sakaguchi Final Fantasy, C) knows Lunar has not been profitable since the 32-bit era and that business culture in Japan does not reward risks, especially after all post-2000 releases were financial failures, and D) will nonetheless never, ever sell the series to anyone, least of all someone abroad, unless it were to some major corporation. Old series are left dormant, but virtually never sold. (Another way to put it: Game Arts' total capital today is less than 1/3 of the amount used to make MCD Lunar~Eternal Blue alone, in 1994 money.)

What I was getting at in this and all the other threads where I seemingly rain on the parade is that there are business, financial, and cultural reasons while Lunar 3 by the people who matter will not happen, but in your case, I wanted to mention it as more of a liberating message: like ruins-exploring Hiero, your project is part of appreciating a forgotten past, and "canon" means nothing intellectually when the original creators are gone anyway. If that's the case, rather than feeling the pressure to get an actual game made or receive some kind of imprimatur from the husk that remains of Game Arts, why not go at it as you have, proudly as a fan work that you can share with many people? Your energies can go to creating a continued story that anyone, anywhere can enjoy for free, limited only by your imagination and not by development or corporate challenges. As our favorite series became only the stuff of legend, there is a chance for continued storytelling, and you can make a lot of people happy by sharing your work!
aka Maou

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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by Ghaleon777 »

Nice. :D :lol:
Last edited by Ghaleon777 on Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by Star_Lunar3 »

@Temzin - That does sound like it could be the same guy I was referring to. Apparently, he's had some success, because he recently got Noriyuki Iwadare and Jenny Stigle to help him make a (very) short music video.

I also appreciate the insight. If nothing else comes out of 'Silver Legacy,' I'll gladly share it with any Lunar fan!

@Ghaleon777 - I'll bet your fun at parties! I haven't even shared the entire story and you're quick to write it off. That's fine. You're certainly entitled to that, but I think a lot of Lunar fans would disagree.

And just because you didn't succeed at making a fan game, doesn't mean someone else cannot. And yes, making a Lunar sequel has been hard as hell, which is why I'm nearly two years into it. I also never intended for the story to 'be the same.' I'm a completely different type of writer (compared to Kei Shigema.)

Happy New Year, by the way!

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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by Ghaleon777 »

Star_Lunar3 wrote: Sat Jan 01, 2022 8:58 pm @Ghaleon777 - I'll bet your fun at parties! I haven't even shared the entire story and you're quick to write it off. That's fine. You're certainly entitled to that, but I think a lot of Lunar fans would disagree.

And just because you didn't succeed at making a fan game, doesn't mean someone else cannot.
Yeah, sorry about being rude, i am just a f**** loser who is mad because he could never replicate the battle system from Lunar games (where you move through the arena instead of attacking and going back to the original pose like most RPGs) And yesterday i just throw for the 4th time or so, the project i wanted to make, its just not the same without the grid battle system.

I hope the best for your story, i will edit the post so you can do the same if you want lol.

And happy new year for you too.

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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by Star_Lunar3 »


No worries! I completely understand your reluctance to anyone claiming to have anything that's "Lunar 3." We've all been waiting a very, very long time!

All I have is about a 200-page script with very limited artwork. I have nothing as far as any kind of animation or game mechanics. If you have any skills in that field, I could definitely use your help!

I can submit a copy of the script. Read over it and if you still think it's a bad fan-project, disregard my proposal for any help! :lol:
Last edited by Star_Lunar3 on Sun Jan 02, 2022 6:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by Star_Lunar3 »

I have a Facebook page called, 'Lunar 3: Silver Legacy.' It's usually updated weekly with information about the progress of the plot.

I've also attempted to reach out to Kei Shegima, John Truitt, Jenny Stigile, Chad Letts, and Noriyuki Iwadare. Jenny initially replied but quickly ghosted. I'd really like to get any of the former Lunar alumni to check out the story. I feel that good about it!

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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by Ghaleon777 »

Star_Lunar3 wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 6:03 am @Ghaleon777

No worries! I completely understand your reluctance to anyone claiming to have anything that's "Lunar 3." We've all been waiting a very, very long time!

All I have is about a 200-page script with very limited artwork. I have nothing as far as any kind of animation or game mechanics. If you have any skills in that field, I could definitely use your help!

I can submit a copy of the script. Read over it and if you still think it's a bad fan-project, disregard my proposal for any help! :lol:
Well, i do have ALL animations, sprites, magic spells and maps already ripped if that is of any help. I also know how to make battle movements exactly like the original game, with a kind of tedious process but worth it.

If you are interested, here is the build with all the sprites on it: ... L.rar/file

However, i am only familiar with RPG Maker and Pixel Game Maker MV, so i am not a pro scripter by any means, far from it lol.

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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by Temzin »

Star_Lunar3 wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 6:15 amI've also attempted to reach out to Kei Shegima, John Truitt, Jenny Stigile, Chad Letts, and Noriyuki Iwadare.
Is this just so that they could enjoy it, too? That seems very nice, but just in case it was because they’re perceived as being able to make a new game happen (like that confused individual we’ve been talking about), let me help save you some time because none of these people have any power to make a new game: not the US voice actors, who are irrelevant and unknown in Japan, and not Shigema or Iwadare, neither of whom were ever Game Arts employees to begin with. They get together for drinks now and again, but their pal and key Game Arts connection Youichi Miyaji has long since left the company that he and his brother (now sadly deceased) founded, which should tell you everything you need to know about the current zombie Game Arts.

It’s not a matter of hope or determination, it’s a basic understating of the current business structure and who calls the shots—and it’s not non-employees regarding a series whose final three entries over the last two decades have been catastrophic commercial failures. In many business cultures but specifically a cautious one like Japan’s, you generally do not get a second chance for said failures. Lunar is not perceived as profitable other than as a cheap port, or, Althea help us, some sort of cheap cash-in mobile game.

Putting aside whether we’d even want to let what’s left of Game Arts get anywhere near Lunar anyway after the horrid DS game and pointless PSP port, I hope this will at least help you decide the best direction for your ambitious script project. Will it be an elaborately illustrated online fanfic? A doujinshi fan comic that uses your script? An unofficial spiritual sequel game like Bloodstained, Gunvolt, etc.? You have a lot of cool options!
aka Maou

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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by Star_Lunar3 »

@Temzin - Those guys get priority, as if they like my script and want to participate! 😄

@Ghaleon777 - Hit me up on my Facebook page: 'Lunar 3: Silver Legacy.' I'm interested to see what you've made!

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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

Star_Lunar3 wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 6:15 am I have a Facebook page called, 'Lunar 3: Silver Legacy.' It's usually updated weekly with information about the progress of the plot.

I've also attempted to reach out to Kei Shegima, John Truitt, Jenny Stigile, Chad Letts, and Noriyuki Iwadare. Jenny initially replied but quickly ghosted. I'd really like to get any of the former Lunar alumni to check out the story. I feel that good about it!
Jenny is a very busy woman whom i am in contact with as well. Saying she ghosted when you're not aware of how busy she is isn't exactly fair to her. Especially when you reach out to her for a fan fiction game. She's taken awhile at times to respond to me, but she does respond.

Ghosting "Ghosting, also known as simmering or icing, is a colloquial term which describes the practice of ending all communication and contact with another person without any apparent warning or justification and subsequently ignoring any attempts to reach out or communication made by said person."

I really don't believe Jenny intentionally did anything to ignore you.
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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by Star_Lunar3 »

ShugoHanasaki wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 3:51 pm
Star_Lunar3 wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 6:15 am I have a Facebook page called, 'Lunar 3: Silver Legacy.' It's usually updated weekly with information about the progress of the plot.

I've also attempted to reach out to Kei Shegima, John Truitt, Jenny Stigile, Chad Letts, and Noriyuki Iwadare. Jenny initially replied but quickly ghosted. I'd really like to get any of the former Lunar alumni to check out the story. I feel that good about it!
Jenny is a very busy woman whom i am in contact with as well. Saying she ghosted when you're not aware of how busy she is isn't exactly fair to her. Especially when you reach out to her for a fan fiction game. She's taken awhile at times to respond to me, but she does respond.

Ghosting "Ghosting, also known as simmering or icing, is a colloquial term which describes the practice of ending all communication and contact with another person without any apparent warning or justification and subsequently ignoring any attempts to reach out or communication made by said person."

I really don't believe Jenny intentionally did anything to ignore you.
I don't need the semantics of what ghosting is. Maybe she didn't intentionally ignore me, but at this point, it doesn't matter. I've moved on from attempting to get any further support from the Lunar alumni.

Would you be interested in learning more about this story?

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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by Temzin »

Good idea, why not periodically share your story in a new thread in the separate Lunar 3 sub-forum below? That way it sort of joins the collective creative imaginings of a Lunar 3 that others can read in thread form, preserved. You never know who might happen across it or enjoy it!
aka Maou

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Re: Lunar 3: Silver Legacy

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

Star_Lunar3 wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 6:45 pm
ShugoHanasaki wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 3:51 pm
Star_Lunar3 wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 6:15 am I have a Facebook page called, 'Lunar 3: Silver Legacy.' It's usually updated weekly with information about the progress of the plot.

I've also attempted to reach out to Kei Shegima, John Truitt, Jenny Stigile, Chad Letts, and Noriyuki Iwadare. Jenny initially replied but quickly ghosted. I'd really like to get any of the former Lunar alumni to check out the story. I feel that good about it!
Jenny is a very busy woman whom i am in contact with as well. Saying she ghosted when you're not aware of how busy she is isn't exactly fair to her. Especially when you reach out to her for a fan fiction game. She's taken awhile at times to respond to me, but she does respond.

Ghosting "Ghosting, also known as simmering or icing, is a colloquial term which describes the practice of ending all communication and contact with another person without any apparent warning or justification and subsequently ignoring any attempts to reach out or communication made by said person."

I really don't believe Jenny intentionally did anything to ignore you.
I don't need the semantics of what ghosting is. Maybe she didn't intentionally ignore me, but at this point, it doesn't matter. I've moved on from attempting to get any further support from the Lunar alumni.

Would you be interested in learning more about this story?
"I don't need the semantics of what ghosting is." I was just trying to help you out and reassure you.... Sounds like you still believe she did ignore you and it certainly doesn't sound like you moved on with an emotional response like that. Giving up contact, admitting maybe she didn't intentionally ignore you...Those are emotional responses. Sounds like you care very much which isn't a bad thing, but please try and understand that these people have lives and it's kind of off putting to sit there as a fan and suspect these people are ignoring you.

I'm actually not interested in learning more about your story with how you responded. Kind of pushed me away if i'm being honest
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