Lunar Week / 30th Anniversary - Dark Althena | Ghaleon

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Lunar Week / 30th Anniversary - Dark Althena | Ghaleon

Post by PrettyGirlJean »

Hello everyone - I hope this post finds you well!

I know it's been like a million years since I've posted here, much less posted art, but what better time than an anniversary week? ^_^ I hope you all enjoy!

Until next time, take care ^_^
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Re: Lunar Week / 30th Anniversary - Dark Althena | Ghaleon

Post by Nobiyuki77 »

Oooooh. Dark. Foreboding. Me likey! :D

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Re: Lunar Week / 30th Anniversary - Dark Althena | Ghaleon

Post by Sonic# »

It's not often I think of horror and Lunar in the same breath. (And no, the haunted house in Lunar 2 doesn't count.) The atmosphere is great in this piece.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: Lunar Week / 30th Anniversary - Dark Althena | Ghaleon

Post by ShugoHanasaki »

Oh wow! That's really nice! A lot of talent there! Thanks for sharing (^.^)
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Re: Lunar Week / 30th Anniversary - Dark Althena | Ghaleon

Post by phyco126 »

Reminds me a bit of Wanda in Dr. Strange: Multiverse of Madness

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Re: Lunar Week / 30th Anniversary - Dark Althena | Ghaleon

Post by Shinto-Cetra »

I know I already mentioned this in Discord, but I have to say it again: This is awesome!!!

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Re: Lunar Week / 30th Anniversary - Dark Althena | Ghaleon

Post by Kizyr »

Oh this is fantastic, I love it and the entire dark/ominous vibe!
~Kizyr (they|them)

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