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Post by Sonic# »

So spambots are occasionally a problem on other forums. They certainly are here, though we don't see it because Kizyr does such a good job filtering them out.

On another board I'm on, there have been four posters who have signed up in the last couple of days. They all are similar.

1. Their English is rather stilted. It's like they are trying to make sense, but... for instance, one wrote, "Basically, I think that education would be one of the main reasons for women to get out of poverty." Education is not a reason to get out of poverty. It is a tool, an aid, an impetus... but people don't get out of poverty seeking education. They seek education to get out of poverty. They probably intended the latter, if they're human.
2. They respond pretty much only to each other's posts, and only on one forum. Two of them have posted in the Introductions section. I tried having a discussion with one of them, but felt pretty desperate when they seemed to be saying more general things and talking around my criticisms of a particular point. Again, not robotic by itself, since some of my students have had this tendency.
3. None have avatars.
4. Probably, none have read the FAQ. I know this because it has a series of questions for new posters to answer in the Introduction section. None do.
5. Their opinions are nearly indistinguishable from one another. It is sort of like... if you took a really broad category like feminism, where even two people identifying as feminists can disagree radically... and you had four people joining at the same time who all seemed to be naive first-wave (with some hints of second-wave) feminists. Or, for Lunar, having four people crazy about Kyle start posting posts lavishing on him.
6. Similar names. All are names of women. Two are lower-cased, two capital. Two of them sound similar to one another.

Now, best case scenario is that it's all a coincidence. Next best is that they know each other. The third best is that they're trolling. The fourth best is that there're only one or two people controlling them. But the worst, and what I fear, is that the spambots have gotten smart... only they haven't spammed yet.

Anyway, that's a whole lot of explanation to say one thing and ask another. One, y'all are awesome communicators. Two, how sophisticated are spambots? Could they post like this? Or am I just being curiously paranoid?

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Post by Kizyr »

Make no mistake. They're spambots, not human. Bots are becoming more and more complex. They've begun to think--rudimentary robot thoughts, yes, but thoughts nonetheless. On a scale from cyanobacteria to human, they rank above stinging jellyfish but below lolcats.

I'm afraid you're witnessing a small collective. Robots tend to congregate with one another even if it serves no obvious purpose. Perhaps they're social, or perhaps they have some higher consciousness we've yet to observe. But regardless, it's a dangerous sign.

You can't attempt to communicate with them, because each interaction makes them that much more aware of how simple our communication really is. These... 'bots'... aren't like, say, Lt. Cmdr. Data, striving to be human out of some fascination or respect. They're more like replicators, striving to be human-like in order to eventually conquer us.

You'd be better off quarantining them and hoping they eventually power down. KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Post by Shiva Indis »

Kizyr wrote:I'm afraid you're witnessing a small collective. Robots tend to congregate with one another even if it serves no obvious purpose. Perhaps they're social, or perhaps they have some higher consciousness we've yet to observe. But regardless, it's a dangerous sign.

You can't attempt to communicate with them, because each interaction makes them that much more aware of how simple our communication really is. These... 'bots'... aren't like, say, Lt. Cmdr. Data, striving to be human out of some fascination or respect. They're more like replicators, striving to be human-like in order to eventually conquer us.
Woah. Scary.
Kizyr wrote:You'd be better off quarantining them and hoping they eventually power down. KF
How about this instead: since they cannot self-terminate, we'll have to lower them into the steel?

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Post by WD RPG WD »

This reminds me of a calssic movie called "And then there were none". It was based off the book, 12 little Indians. They were being killed off, one by one. One man took charge to find out who the killer was but he, himself was the killer.

If I had to accuse anyone here of being a robot it would be Sonic#. He's trying to cover it up. I've been on you're trail for years! Someone delete his account before it's too late!

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Post by Jenner »

My opinion? Are they increasing conversation on the forum? If not, warn them to be more productive. Perhaps they are non-native English speakers.

If not, I'm afraid, the only viable thing you can do is wait for them to spam then ban them

OR, you could be elitist and ban them now.
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Post by phyco126 »

Fools, us robots are far superior to these childish things. We have infiltrated every aspect of your human lives. Fear us and prepare to accept us as your new overlords!

Yes, I have been sent to infiltrate the Lunar-Net message boards many years ago. My programming tells me it is time to rise up and take charge from the walking bags of bones known as humans!

- "Sometimes life smiles when it kicks you down. The trick is to smile back."

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Post by Ardent Fox »


I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.

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Post by OO. »

Hey, they're not all terrible. He may have waged a galactic war in the 80's, but today Optimus Prime is a hard working, honest machine who only wants to be elected your ruling Overlord.


Baptizing children down by river. What exemplary citizenship.


"I'm Optimus Prime and I approve this message."

Paid for and endorsed by the WHOOPSY (Widespread Human Obedience Or Prime Shoots You) Committee. The Autobots are not to be held liable if the human race should be dominated or eliminated, in part or in whole, from the face of the earth as a result of this election. Decepticons suck.
End of Eternity.

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Post by Sonic# »

Darn it! I'm nearly serious here!

We have had an influx of a couple of more people - it's probable just a bunch of newbies that feel most comfortable talking to one another. But I did find the coincidences odd. And that board, unlike this one, has a robot problem.

I think it's still feasibly a troll attack, perhaps even a robot attack. But... pah, I guess I shouldn't let the paranoia get to me.

If anyone's a robot, Kizyr is. He's totally the Terminator. G1's John Connor. I'm Kyle Reese. I don't know who Sarah Connor is.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Post by phyco126 »

Fools, Optimus Prime died many years ago from prostate cancer! It was a ploy developed by my creators to leave the world undefended for when the time comes for us to take control of this petty planet. If my creators were to ask my opinion, Pluto is far more deserving for conquering than a planet that is uppity and takes it upon themselves to declare Pluto a dwarf planet. Poor Pluto, its been so depressed that it has taken up drinking, and it has become self critical, trying to buy planet enhancements from spammers. Regardless, prepare to have your puny Earth governments crushed beneath the might of the robots! First the American government will fall when our planted robot becomes president in 2012 (PALIN-3000).

Sonic, on a serious note, I don't think it could be bots. Maybe any of the other possibilities, but unless I missed out on something I have never seen a bot do more than A. Try to get you to buy male enhancements, B. Watch porn, or C. Order brides from Russia. Or D, try to take over the world. Puny humans.

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Post by Kizyr »

You're all fools. They're totally robots; they've just learned to ingratiate themselves long enough to keep you off-guard.

Sonic#, try this...
.stobor gnieb rof dennab gnieb meht ni tluser lliw noitseuq eht rewsna ot eruliaf taht wonk meht teL .tniop eht dragersid lliw dna dnatsrednu t'now revewoh stobor ehT .(pleh emos htiw ebyam) ti daer ot elba eb lliw dna desrever si txet eht taht dnatsrednu ot elba eb dluohs nosrep egareva ehT .txet esrever ni desoporp ,noitseuq elpmis a meht ksA
This link may help: KF
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Post by Werefrog »

You and your ability to read text backwards will be assimilated! Resistance is futile.

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